TC10-0, TC10-2, TC10-3, TC10-4, TC10-9, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC10-K, TC15-2, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC85, TC95, TR10-0, TR10-2, TR10-3, TR10-4, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR11-H, TR15-2, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR25, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95
Resistance thermometers and thermocouples
TC10-0, TR10-0
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, ignition protection type flameproof enclosure Ex d (ATEX, IECEx)
TC10-0, TR10-0
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, FP (Ex d) and XP (class/division) – FM/CSA
TC10-0, TC10-L, TR10-0, TR10-L
Resistance thermometer and thermouple, type of explosion protection - “flameproof enclosure”, Ex d (EAC)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR40, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (EAC)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95
Resistance thermometers and thermocouples
Intrinsically safe designs, Ex i (INMETRO)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC10-K, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC59-V, TC59-W, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR25, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex n, Ex e, Ex t (ATEX, IECEx)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (ATEX, IECEx)
TC10-L, TR10-L
Ellenállás-hőmérő és hőelem, gyújtószikra elleni védelem tűzálló burkolat, Ex d (ATEX)
TC12-A, TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple
TC12-A, TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (ATEX)
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M
Resistance thermometers and thermocouples Intrinsically safe designs, Ex d (ATEX, INMETRO)
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M
Notes on the use of electrical thermometers in low ambient temperatures
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex d (ATEX, IECEx)
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex d (EAC)
Hot runner thermocouple
TC47-AB, TC47-MT, TC47-NT, TC47-RL
Thermocouples for the plastics industry
Magnetic surface thermocouple for high temperatures
TC80, TC82, TC83, TC84
High-temperature thermocouples
TC82, TC83
Additional information for hazardous areas (ATEX, Ex d)
TC82, TC83
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas (Ex i)
Sapphire-design thermocouple for high-temperature measurements with safety chamber (Ex e)
High-pressure thermocouple
Additional operating instructions for installation